F.A.Q: Frequently Asked Questions

Nowadays not only is it important what we say but also HOW we say it, how we express our thoughts, articulate our words and put our message across. Very often on the basis of this we are (subconsciously or consciously) judged and perceived by others, i.e., it also determines our professional or social image. Moreover, it also determines how efficient worker (manager, consultant, trainer, therapist etc.) we are. Being linguistically and phonetically aware makes us understand other speakers better and also be better understood. What’s more, being able to articulate our thoughts impeccably can boost our self-confidence, self-perception and the quality of our communication with other people. I strongly believe that efficient communication is the key to success in any domain in our life.

ABSOLUTELY YES, however it depends on… (…)

If you’d like to know the answer to these and other crucial questions please leave your email below and I will send you a little present- file with my thorough answers to such most frequently asked questions about the accent reduction/ coaching process, lessons, duration of both, my approach and many more.